The Mind
A famous mathematician of our time, recovering from paranoid –depressive schizophrenia once remarked something along the lines that ‘he was happy to be back to normal, but maybe in being abnormal he found the statement of extraordinary mathematical brilliance.’ And maybe in this ability of the mind to realize the unimaginable lay the greatness of man.
To conjure the infinite, seemingly tangential trains of thought, so that an absolute truth, singular and triumphant will emerge from this chaotic rubble. Surpassing the defines of space and time, free in every sense of existence. Creating the “Real” in a flash of thought, if this is a human mind, then what is God?
To conjure the infinite, seemingly tangential trains of thought, so that an absolute truth, singular and triumphant will emerge from this chaotic rubble. Surpassing the defines of space and time, free in every sense of existence. Creating the “Real” in a flash of thought, if this is a human mind, then what is God?